Ration-Aadhaar Card Linking

Posts Jun 30, 2023

Ration card – Aadhaar Card Linking

Documents needed to link Aadhaar card to Ration card

– Photocopy of original ration card

– Family member’s Aadhaar card photocopy

– Family head’s Aadhaar card photocopy

– Bank passbook photocopy

– Family’s head passport size photo: 2

However, there have been occasions where an individual obtains more than their fair share of rations or where individuals who are not entitled for rations receive them, depriving deserving others.

By linking the Aadhaar card to the ration card, the government will be able to prohibit individuals from obtaining duplicate ration cards. It is also feasible to detain those who are disqualified for collecting rations because their income exceeds the threshold.

This would also ensure that only those who are deserving obtain subsidised fuel or food grains.

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